Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 11, 2011: A Letter

Dear Person,
For some reason, you get to me. You get under my skin and irritate and intrigue me everyday. You use to be perfect, well almost, but then the you in you came out and now all trust is gone. Is this that you show me now a true you? Or is it just another mask, another face to please another person? I never wanted a fake you, a you that wasn't true, I wanted the real you. You see, I just wish that you would be honest to me. I can't ask you to be honest to others but when it comes to me, in how you treat me, in how you value me, I feel that if you don't value me enough to see the real you, then I shouldn't value you enough to care. But I can't just not care, you know this, and weither or not right now you are abusing this I honestly don't know. At the moment I am going to believe you, knowing in the back of my head this could hurt me again. Please don't hurt me again. You say you regret what you did, show it, and maybe I will too.
From, Me.

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