Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15, 2014: Welcome Back, FIRETRUCK!

Hello all! I'm back! I'm 18! I'm out of high school! Gosh so much has changed, I went though my old posts, so much is obvious now. Like my failure of a romance with Corbett, he couldn't remember my name and I didn't like him hugging me. It's okay now, because I am older and wiser now. Totally. It's been two years and a lot has changed. For starters I'm moved out and in college, fun. I drive now, which I didn't before, for good reasons if you consider that I hit a fire truck, but more on that later. I'm also dating my fabulous boyfriend (a year and over a half long relationship, thanks for asking!), Bradley. Madster is in the army now, she's actually at basic right now. yeah, she's just as awesome. Del (now known as Shaniqua) is at GSU, so you know, yay, college. xD I'm working full time now at a company called Nextstar and loving it.
Let's get back to the firetruck though, I know that's what you wanna hear about. I was driving home from work, which was particularly exciting on this day because a local mall was giving away free stuff and I was really looking forward to going to that with Bradley. On this wonderful Thursday night I was turning right and checked to make sure that thee wasn't a car. After a brief glance I saw another car turn left onto the road I was turning off of. Surely this meant I was good. So I turned. I wasn't good, a loud honk and a shocked bump later, I had hit a firetruck. No worries, they weren't on the way to a fire or anything, they were greatly amused by the situation. As amusing as the tale is, it was also the sad day my car was ruined. With a messed up hood, bumper, side cover, drivers side light, and frame, it was time to retire my first car. I got a new car that weekend, because work. It's a nice car, a pretty red Aveo (2011). This car's radio even works without a good, solid kick.
Alls well that ends well.

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